All photographs are of wild and free hummingbirds photographed against a white house wall, using special high speed photography techniques. Hummingbirds are regular visitors to Roy’s backyard garden and feeders, and the summer population has peaked at over 150 during some years. Birds are not coerced in any way to “act” for the camera. The most important factor in all of Roy’s wildlife photography is that he will not compromise the wellbeing, nor interfere with their natural behavior.
Roy has taken somewhere north of a half a million hummingbird images over the past 19 years. He says he is really only happy with about 6 to 11 images so he keeps on trying.
Capturing sharp images of hummingbirds in flight is challenging and requires some specialized photography equipment.
Roy is considered by his peers to be one of the world’s experts in this genre of photography.
All images are as shot in camera-no image manipulation occurs. No elements are added or removed, other than dust specks. Roy dislikes sitting at computers, and believes that photographers who manipulate images should reveal that they have done so.
The hit-rate for Roy to achieve a sharp image of two or more birds interacting in a frame is about 1 in 10,000 shots.
It is not the shutter speed that “freezes” the birds-it is the speed of the flash which is about 1/30,000 of a second.
This exhibition of the hummingbirds against a pure white background has been going on for about 2 years.
Roy has never exhibited in a Fine Art Gallery until now. We are so pleased to be able to offer them for sale. It took awhile to convince him but the response has been overwhelming. He is only producing 20 of each image at 20 x 30 on aluminum which is almost completely indestructible.